
Thursday 14 July 2016

Teaser Upcoming Trip : Boracay Island

"Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport"

Ecece...kalau Che Ta after raya decide nak pi Spain, Madrid and singgah London..tertelan-telan ailio aku dengar haha so aku pun mula kaki tergedik-gedik jugak nak jalan..konon release tensen katanyer. Nak cakap kat hubby tak berani takut kena sound sebab bulan 2 aritu dah Europe Trip, mau kena fire otomen camnih
Tup tup one fine night, dier cakap dier ada surprise vacation nak bagi hujung tahun..ececeh.hati aku terus bloom kembang sekembang bunga Rafflesia..giler tak seronok orang nak belanja vacation?? Sepantas kilat aku cakap, tak payah rahsia-rahsia..secret mecret..just hand over the money and I plan the rest (sambil tiup tiup kuku...haha)..seriously aku sangat suka giler plan was like a therapy yang akan hidupkan unsur-unsur kegembiraan dalam diri and terus kau rasa macam mood kau okay je sepanjang zaman..;p
And trust me far alhamdulillah semua plan holiday aku turn to be the greatest plan yang in the end brought back a sweet everlasting memory..yang penting you plan it well, insyallah dengan izin Allah akan berhasil
haa korang kalau rasa-rasa nak holiday tapi malas nak buat itinerary..meh hire aku jadi Travel Agent tak bertauliah..hahaha
ok stop pot pet pot pet...meh nak reveal our upcoming trip, ke manakah pulak trip Cik Pong kali ni?
taraaa...its BORACAY ISLAND !!!
Dulu jeles giler masa Keknis honeymoon pi Bora-Bora Island, time tu memang aku buat research and dok up entry pasai nak berjalan ke pulau aje sebab sumpah cantek giler aku tengok Bora-Bora Island..aku rasa Boracay ni pun ada review jugak tapi masa tu tak pikir pun nak pi dalam masa terdekat sebab dok angau teruk nak pi New Zealand @ Maldives..last-last atas sebab kesesuaian masa plus aku memang travel bawak Aqeil, so aku rasa pi Boracay is a perfect decision as of now..duration travel pun 4 hrs je flight + 1 1/2 hr bus trip and 10mins boat ride..semoga kau kental and backpackers macam mak hang!hehe
Semua preparation booking done via Air Asia Go Package - 4th time in a row aku opt for this package..damn cheap for RM 2,500 return flight + beach front hotel at Station 1 for the three of us for 4D3N !!
Ciri -ciri hotel pilihan incik hubby iaitu harus mengadap pantai and aku upgrade by pilih room yang betul betul beach front nyer..baru la holiday anti stress..hihi
*tssskk..crying over the cheap price - thanks Tony!!*
aku pilih pegi time Raya Haji nyer cuti, sebab aritu Raya Puasa dah almost 1 week spend kat kampong, kali ni kita jalan-jalan la pulakk.
Nah iols lanjer gambar resort yang iols dah book :
I've requested for our room to be on 2nd floor for better privacy..ahhaa..not to worry as all rooms guaranteed facing the beautiful sea...

geram nyer kenapa awak cantek sangat niiii...

 Berangan tak salah kan? (sambil tangan raba lemak perut dan lemak lemak yang sewaktu dengannya..haha)

Haishh..last trip gi Phillipines pun craving this mango juice..this time lagi rasa teringin giler mango juice nih..seriously sedap nitik-nitik ailio..hahaha..overrated! - hah dah aim nak pi Jonah Fruit Shake, nama kemain Jonah tauu
Actually trip ni lebih kepada nak celebrate my hubby selesai submit final thesis and shall wait for his upcoming master convocation  next year summer..doakan kejayaan dier ye kawan-kawan ;) and kebetulan Aqeil nyer birthday pun just around the kita sekali kan je lah.
* semoga sampai Boracay nanti ditetapkan iman tak buat loklaq gi buat braided hair rambut jadi kunta kinte..hahaha

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